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it’s probably not unique to web3, but this space can be extremely intimidating.

the feeling here is exacerbated, though, because we’re still running in very small circles. and the space is extremely attractive right now, because it’s the bleeding edge of innovation and discovery, so there are some REALLY impressive people here already, doing some REALLY impressive things. and if you happen to find something you want to contribute to, it’s not altogether unlikely that you’ll find yourself in the same spaces as these folks.

it’s kinda scary.

but the reason is that we’re used to the old world, where all of this meant one thing: competition.

and that’s not necessarily true here.

yes, there are limited resources. roles and positions and money are still finite. you can’t just volunteer to be the community manager for a project that already has one.

but the difference here is the amount of people that want to see you succeed, and are willing to help you do so. where—previously—if you had discovered a promising project, and it was already full of remarkable people, you’d probably be better off looking somewhere else. finding a place where you can flex your skills and develop them on your own.

that model has been flipped around, though. at least to some degree.

here, you can join up with a team that’s already got all their bases covered, and the existing team members are usually more than happy to help you reach their level. if you’re eager to learn, and willing to put in the work, then there’s an abundance of resources available to you.

so if you’re feeling freaked out, then reach out.

i can almost guarantee there will be hands ready to meet yours.